Purification and safekeeping of contact lenses
Wash your hand thoroughly and wipe properly.​
Wash contact lenses' container precisely using particular liquid before you remove them from you eye.
Remove the contact lens from your eye.
When you remove the contact lens from your eye, rub it with index finger for 30 seconds. It is important to rub the contact lens up and down with no circular gestures, which may cause damages. If you use our liquids with RUB FREE recipe, you need to clean only the inner side of the contact lens. Both sides cleaning can be required when you use liquid from different sources. After cleaning the contact lenses, you should rinse them precisely to remove dirtiness.
ATTENTION!!! You should ALWAYS use special liquid to clean the contact lenses to clean the contact lenses . NEVER use water (even mineral water) to clean your contact lenses!
Fill the safekeeping container with contact lenses liquid. Place cleaned contact lens in the container and close it tightly. The contact lens should be covered by liquid.
If you want your contact lenses to 'live' longer, you should clean them and change liquid every day.
Important Information
Before secondary usage, the contact lenses should be kept about 4 hrs in the container filled with special liquid.
You should use the disinfectant to clean the container and dry it properly.
Never use water (even mineral water) to clean the container.
You should use ONLY special liquid to clean your contact lenses.
Never pour several types of liquids together into the container.
Never use the contact lenses longer than it is suggested by producer.